Monday, November 26, 2007

seeing family

I can hardly believe it's been 2 years since I've seen Mama and my family. Way too long!

Tomorrow I head down to San Diego to celebrate Mama's 75th birthday and my sister's 45th birthday. I can hardly wait for that first Mama hug!

If possible, I'll post a bit. If not, see y'all next week after I return.

...may there be mercy as I travel and love up on my family in person.


fiona said...

You know I think it's quite possible we shall hear the squeals from here!

Have a wonderful time with your loved ones. I know this trip is going to be so special for you and we want to hear alllll about it!!

Photos.. we want photos even if you're on vacation DAMMIT!

Loves ya

auntie-c said...

oh, yeah, lots of squealing and hugging happening here.

photos to follow!