However this isn't a blog post about being in the dark place. It's a post about random things in life, just to get me back on track in the blogging world. The dark place can wait for another time.
Work: pretty much not fun right now. Working too many hours in an attempt to catch up my job and finish the files from 2012. I almost made it on Wednesday, with 2 really difficult files left to go at the end of the day. The plan was to spend Thursday auditing those 2 files, but we had too many folks out of the office with the current plague of bronchial flu stuff that it was an impossibility to do my own job that day. Friday was a repeat, with the added issue of Friday being the day I cover the Recording Desk and all that entails.
The kicker of the day was when I actually asked for help with my workload - for the first time ever in my working life - and was refused the help I needed by the coworker asked. Flat refusal with the statement of "didn't sign up for that and it's not my job."
No, really?
Nobody ever told me that refusing work or help at work was an option. Boy, if I'd known that it was, I'd have refused to be the one to cover the Recording Desk years ago. I hate that job, but it has to be done.
I was also taught that while at work, you work hard to ensure that the client is best served, even if you don't necessarily like the portion of the job you are asked to do.
With this refusal to help came another incredibly stressful day for me, both physically and emotionally. I'd already been arriving at work by 6:30 a.m. all week, missing lunch hours, no coffee breaks, barely enough time to stop at the ladies room a couple times a day, and this day was yet another repeat. Add a giant level of anger to the mix and it was not pretty.
Thank God I had the sense to keep my mouth shut for the rest of the day or I think I would have been fired for what I would have said.
Since I've had time to think through how to say things without making a scene, I'll be having a conversation with my boss on Tuesday.
the Man: over the last couple weeks, he had an issue wherein he got metal shavings in his eye while at work. Thankfully, a quick trip to the ER and those got removed. Corneal scratches that did heal well, and without any lingering issues for his sight. Although I have to admit that watching him attempt to put antibiotic drops into his eye was hilarious.
Family: my sister, Deb, and I are working to gently move Mama toward filing bankruptcy. Such a hard thing to have to do at her age, but so very necessary right now. Finding the right words that don't break Mama's spirit, but do help her to move forward. Wisdom is needed, not to mention peace for her.
Deb has the biggest burden of daily needs for Mama. Oh, Mama is able to do her own day to day personal care, but she is 80 and, quite frankly, is very lonely. She misses Daddy and having a companion.
At the same time, Deb got laid off from her job. Not cool as they actually laid off an entire department of 10 people. She has had a couple interviews, but nothing yet. I'm hopeful that the next interview on Wednesday will bring an offer for her.
Knitting: currently working on a very cute sweater for myself. It's about half done now and I'm thrilled that it fits! The top-down construction allows me to try it on as I go, which is very cool.
Yesterday I got some yarn to make an adorable hat for spring. I'm itching to get that started and just might try to get it done in time to wear to work next Friday. Yes, Fridays I tend to let my funky side out a little bit, most of the time in the form of a hat or something I have knitted.
Entertainment: today we are going to meet some coworkers for the opera and dinner. the opera is Lucia De Lammermoor, which ends up with a lot of dead bodies, but contains a wonderful mad scene. This according to my friend, Kim, who is on the opera board and does all the costuming. I was able to attend the first 2 acts of the dress rehearsal. If that is any indicator of the performance, we are in for a wonderful show.
And that's all I've got for today. At least something has been written again, and hoping to be here more regularly now.
...may there be mercy and encouragement in the muddling through of life
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