Monday, December 31, 2007

happy new year!

May 2008 be filled with little blessings and small joys. Those lovely little things that add sparkle to normal and "boring" days.

...may there be mercy as we look forward to the new year.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

merry christmas to all

Merry Christmas!

May you find something today that feeds your soul and refreshes your spirit.

...may there be mercy as we find joy in the true meaning of Christmas.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

time to rest

Interesting that I'd say it's time to rest when everyone is gearing up for the last harried and hectic time of the holiday season. Stress abounds around me...

... and I'm on vacation!

Right now I could be totally stressed out about the fact that every single one of my family's Christmas gifts still sit in their respective bags. Unwrapped. In my not decorated for Christmas living room.

In Washington.

Not in San Diego where my they should sit, gaily wrapped, under Mama's Christmas tree.

I could be stressed out about that, but I'm not.

Another thing that could stress me out right now is that part about my not yet decorated for Christmas living room. But I'm not stressed about that either.

Have I moved into "Bah! Humbug!" land? Nope!
Have I shopped for the special meal items yet? Nope.
Have I shopped for my sweet husband's Christmas gift yet? Nope.
Have I planned anything special yet? Nope.

Normally this would make my blood pressure rise and my back hurt from the tension. Not this year.

Instead, I'm simply enjoying the Christmas Season vicariously. The herniated disc in my neck makes the actual physical doing of much of the stressful items simply impossible. So I'm enjoying the decorations in the places I go. I'm enjoying watching others do all the stressful things. I'm spending the time resting and enjoying being with my sweet husband.

Yep, we're on vacation together!

Originally we had planned to go away for the entire week. Something about the fact that my precious father-in-law is now 85 is holding us back. We want to spend time with him. We know each day that we have with him is a gift. We're taking time to enjoy each day's gift of him.

So instead of stressing, I'm focused on family and rest... and loving that those are wonderful gifts this Christmas.

...may there be mercy in our non-stressful celebrations.

Friday, December 14, 2007

checking in

Just a quick check in so folks don't fret because if I go too long without a post I get emails! Love you guys!

Health: herniated disc in neck... big, major OWIE! To quote my sweet 85 year old father-in-law, it hurts like dammit! You know it's bad if I don't want to even attempt to quilt... and I don't. Had an MRI on Wednesday. Should have gotten results today, but doctor had a family emergency. Will get results next week.

Family: still need to finish writing up my travel log from San Diego, but everyone is okay. Sweet husband and I are looking forward to a week of vacation together over Christmas week!

Work: greatest Board of Directors! Gave us a generous bonus in spite of the fact we are at 1/3 the profits of last year. A lovely vote of confidence for the employees and a wonderful morale booster.

Holidays: yep, they are there! I've got a lot to say about the holidays and the "I got" syndrome. Later post will cover it.

...may there be mercy as we plow through "normal" during the busy-ness of December.

Monday, December 03, 2007

back to routine

While I'm not completely "rested" right now, I am ready to face going back to work because wow... what a trip and vacation I had! Definitely soaked up Mama and my family and am so very glad that I got to go. At the same time, I so very much missed this man in my house! It's good to be home with him, getting back into my normal routine of daily life. Will try to give some highlights of the simple moments that always make for great memories tonight.

...may there be mercy in the normal routine and joy in the memory of family.