Saturday, January 20, 2007

busy, busy

A few minutes ago, I got my third email checking on me since I've been absent from posting here for the last couple weeks. Wow... and thanks for caring my sweet friends.

We're okay! Busy with normal life, normal lack of sleep, work, and I have to confess to some quilting in my newly re-done Quilting Studio.

Thankfully the "busy" has just been the normal busy-ness of life and not the busy-ness of added stressful issues in life. After how stressful it was for us last year, we are really hoping for a break from some of those things for a while!

The rest of this weekend is still busy, but I'm thinking that I'll be back to a more normal blogging schedule soon.

...may there be mercy and blessings on my caring friends.

1 comment:

sen5ei said...

if i hadn't had seen you ....would have been worried